Kellie Ketchen was an avid horsewoman, well known and a loved teacher for many years before being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Her diagnosis of secondary progressive MS was in 1996, however, she continued her passion for teaching in the classroom with the help of many of her students and faculty. As she moved from a cane to a walker and then to a wheelchair, the associated fatigue and paralysis of the disease eventually grew more debilitating and Kellie had to retire from teaching.
For every door that closed, Kellie has valiantly opened another. She has spent the years following as an avid animal rescue volunteer for golden retrievers a breed which she has owned and loved throughout her life. Kellie spends her time now creating beautiful handcrafted cards. Because she is limited by her disability, her friends and family assist her with her creations. She has recently donated cards to her local Veterinary clinic and to LaDawn Therapeutic Riding Center as well as providing beautiful cards and decorations for family and friends on holidays throughout the year. Kellie is grateful to be able to help LaDawn raise money for their therapy horses.